xtype, or Extended Type, is a dynamic type system library for Lua.
Sometimes, advanced type checking code is needed to implement specific abstractions; xtype aims to fulfill that need.
- Simplification: Prevent writing redundant type checking code.
- Interoperability: Having a general low-level type system library can ease the interactions of third-party code.
- Metaprogramming / Genericity: Exploit the dynamic nature of Lua to generate definitions on-the-fly.
Moreover, the xtype.class
submodule implements a class system based on
xtype. See the dedicated documentation.
Project Status
This project is no longer in development (I am not using it). This document explains why.
See src/
, rockspecs/
A xtype's type is either primitive or non-primitive.
A primitive type is a string. It can be any Lua types from type()
additional types like xtype
or multifunction
A non-primitive type is a table defining the type. It contains the xtype_name
and xtype_set
fields and should identify as a xtype
Any Lua value has a type; we will call this the terminal type of the value as opposed to inherited types.
If the metatable of a table
or userdata
value has a xtype
field, then the
type is the value of that field.
If the value is a cdata
, its type is defined by xtype.ctype()
or the
field (e.g. through the metatype __index
) which will call
when encountered.
Otherwise, the type is the Lua type returned by type()
A non-primitive type can inherit from other types, building a stack of types. This stack defines the order in which the types are evaluated, from the terminal type to the least specific inherited types.
A multifunction is a function that can have multiple definitions, each associated to a specific signature. When called, it resolves the call by selecting a matching definition from the call signature.
We can use Lua as its own metaprogramming language: we can generate Lua code from Lua.
A multifunction can have generators that are called when no definitions could be found, allowing to generate definitions for specific call signatures on-the-fly.
-- Create a type.
-- The created type is a table with 3 fields: xtype_name, xtype_stack and xtype_set.
-- The table can be modified as long as the xtype fields are left untouched.
-- A default metatable is set; it can be replaced at the condition that the
-- type would still be recognized as a "xtype".
-- name: human-readable string (doesn't have to be unique)
-- ...: base types, ordered by descending proximity, to the least specific type
-- return created type
xtype.create(name, ...)
-- Get/bind a type to a ctype (LuaJIT FFI).
-- This can't be changed afterwards.
-- The same type can be bound to different ctypes; it can be useful when
-- different ctype qualifiers should match the same type.
-- ctype: cdata ctype object
-- t: (optional) type
-- return bound type
xtype.ctype(ctype, t)
-- Check if a value is a valid type.
-- Get the name of a type.
-- return string or nothing if not a type
-- Get terminal type of a value.
-- Check if a value is of type t.
xtype.is(v, t)
-- Check if a type is of type ot.
xtype.of(t, ot)
-- Create a multifunction.
-- Global multifunctions namespace for binary operators.
-- For interoperability between third-party types.
-- Equality (eq) has a default behavior defined as: eq(any, any) -> false
-- map of Lua binary op name => multifunction
-- (add, sub, mul, div, mod, pow, concat, eq, lt, le, idiv, band, bor, bxor, shl, shr)
-- Low-level API.
-- The type's xtype_stack field is a list of types ordered from the terminal
-- type to the least specific inherited types.
-- Stack distance to another type from a terminal type.
-- ot: support "any" keyword
-- return distance or nil/nothing if not of type ot
xtype.typeDist(t, ot)
-- Check and return signature (list of types).
-- ...: types
-- Distance to another signature from a call signature.
-- osign: support "any" keyword
-- return distance or nothing if not generalizable to osign
xtype.signDist(sign, osign)
-- Return formatted signature string.
-- Code generation tools.
-- Generate "a1, a2, a3, a4..." list string.
-- tpl: string where "$" will be replaced by the index
-- i: start index
-- j: end index
-- separator: (optional) default: ", "
xtype.tpllist(tpl, i, j, separator)
-- Template substitution.
-- tpl: string with $... parameters
-- args: map of param => value
-- return processed template
xtype.tplsub(tpl, args)
-- Define a multifunction signature.
-- The keyword "any" matches any type. It is the least specific match for a
-- given terminal type.
-- f: definition function; nil to undefine
-- ...: signature, list of types
multifunction:define(f, ...)
-- Add a generator function.
-- All generators are called when no matching definition has been found to
-- eventually define new signatures.
-- f(multifunction, ...): called to generate new definitions
--- ...: call signature, list of (terminal) types
-- Get the resolved function for a specific signature.
-- ...: call signature, list of (terminal) types
-- return function or nil without a matching definition
-- Call the multifunction.
-- Low-level API.
multifunction.definitions = {} -- map of sign hash => {.f, .sign}
-- Hash function signature.
-- sign: signature, list of types
-- return number